Snowed Under
A Total-E-Bound Publication
Snowed Under
ISBN # 978-1-78184-410-6
©Copyright Celeste Rupert 2013
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright July 2013
Edited by Rebecca Douglas
Total-E-Bound Publishing
This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.
Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.
The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.
Published in 2013 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.
This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-burning and a sexometer of 3.
This story contains 45 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book containing 6 pages.
Celeste Rupert
A storm, a stranger and a secret—Ivy and Nell’s cabin on the mountain is about to get crowded.
Ivy and Nell have been able to get along very well without a man, thank you very much. They take care of all the chores, the cooking, and each other—in every way.
But when a sexy stranger blows in with the storm, Nell is curious. Is sex with a man really as bad as Ivy told her it was?
Ivy was just as glad that her husband was considerate enough to disappear, leaving her and Nell to their happy lives, but the stranger brings news that may change everything. Betrayed and angry, Ivy decides that revenge is on the menu, and Dean Rook is just the man to help her out.
For Superman.
Trademarks Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:
Sharps: Sharps Rifle Manufacturing Company
Chapter One
Ivy braced against the wind to keep the door from slamming open on its hinges while Nell dashed into the cabin and joined her on the other side.
“Push!” Ivy shoved at the heavy door with all her might, and between the two of them they managed to heave it shut. Nell slid the bar into place and the roar of the wind was reduced to a hollow whistling sound around the walls of the cabin. Ivy considered the snow that had blown in along with them.
“Don’t worry about it, Ivy, it’s just water, it’ll dry up on its own,” Nell spoke through chattering teeth. She bounced up and down in an effort to kick off a boot, her skirts sprinkling snow farther into the room. “And it isn’t as though we ever have company.”
Ivy gave up the thought of keeping a tidy home for the moment and tromped across the floor to stoke up the fire, adding wood until the roaring flame began to warm her frozen cheeks.
“Now that’s cold,” Nell said, scooting in next to Ivy, close to the fire. She dropped her mittens on the floor then held her red fingers out towards the heat. Ivy followed suit.
“We’d better get out of these wet things.” Ivy began working at the buttons of her long coat with stiff fingers. “We need to warm up.”
“Sometime before we have to go out there again,” Nell added. She looked over at the door, which rattled a little from the force of the wind.
“At least that won’t be till morning.” Ivy lifted her skirt in dismay. It was wet to above her knees, and every movement made the chill and damp touch her legs again. She shivered as she rolled down one of her sopping stockings, hopping on one foot to pull it off her toes, the heavy woollen skirt threatening to tip her over.
Nell laughed. “Stop, you’re going to hurt yourself.” She grabbed Ivy’s elbow to steady her. “Let me help.” She dropped to her knees with enviable grace, considering she had on just as many wet clothes as Ivy did. Oh, the difference ten years made, Ivy thought, remembering when she’d been just as lithe and flexible.
Nell lifted the hem of Ivy’s skirt. “My goodness, this weighs a ton soaked like this! And you said wool would be warmer.”
“It is warmer than what you’re wearing.” Nell’s blue cotton dress was wet too, darkened by the melted snow. “It’s just picked up a little more moisture than yours did. Nell!” Ivy shrieked as Nell tucked her hand into the top of her stocking, her icy cold skin touching the soft flesh of Ivy’s thigh. “Your fingers are freezing!”
“I know,” Nell said, pulling the wet stocking down despite Ivy’s squirming. “They’re my fingers.”
Ivy slid the offending garment off. “Thanks, love,” she said, smiling down at Nell. “You’re right, I don’t have the balance for that anymore.”
Nell grinned, sitting on her heels amidst Ivy’s discarded stockings. She was like a dark angel in the fire’s glow, with her chocolate hair and eyes. “You have excellent balance, Ivy. Quit talking like an old lady. It’s just this skirt that was tripping you up.” Nell rose up on her knees and reached for the buttons, starting at the waistband. By the third button, the weight of the snow, soaked into the wool, pulled the skirt down to pool at Ivy’s feet.
Ivy put her hands on her hips. “You don’t need to undress me, you know. I’m not quite to that level of elderly and infirm.”
Nell laughed and gave the skirt a tug. “You’re not elderly and infirm at all, but you are wet and cold. So am I. I just thought maybe we could warm each other up.” She tipped her head to the side and caught her full lower lip between her teeth, looking up at Ivy with a twinkle in her eye.
“What about dinner?” Ivy said, hands still on her hips. “Aren’t you hungry?”
“We can’t eat,” Nell said seriously.
“Why not?” Ivy asked, curious what her excuse would be.
“Not until we get out of these wet things. Look at this!” She pointed at Ivy’s white cotton drawers, and Ivy looked down to see they were wet around her knees, the damp fabric clinging to her thighs. “These are positively indecent, wet like that, someone could see right through them. They have to go.” Nell was being all drama, and Ivy laughed, stopping her as she reached for the tie.
“Hang on.” Ivy shrugged her coat off and laid it near the fire. She picked up the soggy skirt and spread it nearby. The hem closest to the flames immediately started to steam. “What?” she asked, catching Nell’s eye roll. “I want them to be dry by morning and besides, between the fire and you, I’m already feeling much warmer.”
“Well, I’m not.” Nell reached again for Ivy’s drawstring. “Just looking at you in those wet drawers makes me shiver.” She pulled the tail of the bow, and as soon as it came free, she yanked on the hem to pull the drawers down to Ivy’s ankles. Before Ivy could step out of them, Nell’s warm lips met the inside of her knee, her wet tongue blazing a trail of heat on the cold skin as she worked her way up her thigh. “See,” Nell said, nuzzling the curls at the apex of Ivy’s thighs, her breath hot. “Isn’t this better?”
“I’m definitely feeling warmer.” Ivy pulled the ribbon from Nell’s hair, letting the long dark tresses fall down her back. She stroked the hair back from Nell’s face and let it fall through her finger
s as Nell and her busy mouth moved up to her belly. Nell reached for Ivy’s shirt, loosening the lowest button, then the next, parting the cotton to make way for her tongue and her lips. Ivy shrugged the shirt off as soon as the last button was unfastened, reluctantly removing her hands from Nell’s hair to let the shirt fall to the floor.
Nell circled her tongue on the underside of her breast, and Ivy closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation, angling to try to get her nipple within reach. Whether it was peaked from the previous chill or from Nell’s attention, Ivy neither knew nor cared, she just wanted the familiar heat of Nell’s mouth.
Nell straightened up, and Ivy opened her eyes, making a noise of protest at the loss of her hot mouth.
“Don’t pout,” Nell said, touching her forehead to Ivy’s, and Ivy didn’t pass up the opportunity when it was presented, touching their lips together. She leaned into the kiss, her hands in Nell’s hair to hold her in place, demanding entrance to tangle her tongue with Nell’s. Nell kissed her back, her fists knotted in the edge of the camisole, slipping one leg between hers, until Ivy yelped when the cool damp dress covering Nell’s thigh touched the heat between her legs.
“It’s cold!” Ivy squirmed.
“I know, it’s my leg,” Nell said. “You don’t like the cold?”
Ivy shivered as Nell grazed her cold fingers up her ribs to Ivy’s breasts, circling the tight buds with her thumbs, and Nell’s hot breath teased at her neck. “I prefer the heat.” Ivy got a handful of Nell’s hair to pull her head back, exposing her neck. She started at her jaw bone and ran an open mouthed kiss along her skin down to her collarbone. She sucked at the spot where her neck joined her shoulder and Nell dug her fingernails into her hips, pulling her close.
Ivy worked on the buttons on the front of Nell’s blue dress, licking and sucking on her neck, her earlobe, her lips. When enough of the buttons were undone, Ivy shoved it off Nell’s shoulders, surprised to find she was naked beneath it.
“No wonder you were cold,” Ivy scolded, “it’s a wonder you didn’t catch your death going out in that storm in your nothings!”
“Then you’d better warm me up.” Nell stepped out of the dress and wrapped her arms around Ivy, pressing their breasts together, slipping her knee between her legs again. Ivy moved her feet apart to bring her closer. Nell kissed her, softly at first, then demanding more, plunging her tongue into Ivy’s mouth and her hands into her hair. Ivy ground against Nell’s leg, her hips moving in time with Nell’s tongue, roaming her hands over her back, her breasts, squeezing her bottom.
“Feeling warmer?” Ivy asked against Nell’s mouth.
“Getting there.” Ivy felt the smile stretch Nell’s lips. “Still a little chilly, though.”
“Let’s see what we can do about that.” Ivy ran her hands up to Nell’s breasts, squeezing gently. Nell’s breasts were high and small, and Ivy teased the nipples with her thumbs until they tightened to hard buds. Nell leaned into her hands and Ivy bent to bring her mouth close to one pebbled nipple. She exhaled, and Nell made a small noise deep in her throat and tangled her hands tightly in Ivy’s hair. Ivy lapped the nipple with her tongue, licking and circling it until Nell became more insistent, crushing Ivy’s face into her breast. Ivy sucked the peak into her mouth, pinching it between her lips and teasing the end with her tongue, using fast back and forth motions that made Nell moan.
Ivy flattened the nipple with her tongue and tipped her head to look up at Nell. “Warm yet?”
“Half way, or there abouts.” Nell twisted her torso to bring the other breast to Ivy’s mouth, and Ivy was happy to oblige, sucking eagerly until she could hear Nell panting. “All right,” Nell gasped, “I’m warm.” She pulled on Ivy’s hair until she released the nipple and stood up straight. Nell clasped her hands behind Ivy’s neck. “I started this to warm you up. Are you warm?”
Ivy grinned. “Pretty warm.”
“I don’t know,” Nell said sceptically. “Let me feel your fingers.” She ran her hands down Ivy’s arms, making her shiver, and entwined their fingers. “Hmm.” Nell brought Ivy’s hand to her lips and kissed the knuckles. “Still quite chilly.” She licked Ivy’s finger, sucking it into the wet heat of her mouth then released it with a pop. “And what about here?” Nell bent to Ivy’s breast, darting her tongue out to touch the nipple and it tightened in response. “Pretty cold,” Nell said seriously. “I better do something about that.”
Ivy reached behind her to brace her hands on the table and watched as Nell closed her mouth on her breast. At the first suck, Ivy’s knees started to shake. She was grateful for the support of the solid table, and gripped it hard. Nell moved over her breast as she suckled, then took the nipple between her teeth, tugging gently back and forth. Ivy whimpered, the sensations coursing through her, her pussy throbbing in time.
Nell growled as she released her nipple. “I love your breasts.” She dived for the other one with enthusiasm, making Ivy moan.
“Why?” Ivy gasped.
“Why, what?” Nell’s voice was muffled.
“Why—” Ivy swallowed then continued, “Why do you love my breasts? They’re so…not like yours.”
Nell giggled. “That’s just it.” She licked up the underside of the breast, her eyes on Ivy’s. “Yours are so big, and they bounce.” Nell cupped them both and gave them a hearty jiggle for emphasis. “So much fun. Plus”—Nell closed her teeth over the nipple, and Ivy groaned—“You make the best noises when I bite them.” Ivy twisted, giving up her grip on the table to grab a fistful of Nell’s hair.
“See?” Nell said when she finally released Ivy’s breast, breathing nearly as hard as Ivy. “I love your breasts. And…” She ran her tongue over one sensitised nipple. “I think they’re finally warm. What do you think?”
Ivy felt like they were on fire, with the rest of her not far behind. “Warm, definitely.”
“Let’s make sure you’re not cold anywhere else. Make sure no other body parts need attention.” Nell dropped to her knees at Ivy’s feet. “How about here?” She licked the inside of Ivy’s knee. “Seems all right, what do you think?” Ivy nodded in agreement, and Nell tugged on her knee, lifting Ivy’s foot off the ground. Ivy struggled to readjust, balancing on one foot and leaning her bottom against the table top. Nell slid her mouth farther up Ivy’s inner thigh and licked again. “Feels warm enough here, too.” She moved again, higher. “Warm here too.” Nell tucked Ivy’s leg over her shoulder and ran her tongue along the very top of Ivy’s leg, her cheek brushing the thick curls at the juncture of her legs. “You stop me if I get somewhere that isn’t quite warmed yet, that needs more attention.” Nell’s voice was serious, but there was a twinkle in her eyes. “Let’s see.” She parted the curls and slid her tongue along Ivy’s slit.
Ivy trembled at the contact. “There,” she said, louder than she’d intended. “It’s still cold there.” Her breath caught and she grinned down at Nell.
“Really?” Nell licked into her again, slower this time, lingering. “Because it feels hot.” She moistened her lips and Ivy’s pussy clenched. “Hot and wet.”
Ivy swallowed. “No, it’s very cold down there, it’ll need a lot of attention to warm it up.”
“Is that so?” Nell leaned close. “Well, I’d better get busy then.” She buried her face between Ivy’s legs, her tongue hot and wet as she massaged Ivy’s cunt, and Ivy spread her legs as wide as she could to give her better access, braced against the table and Nell moved lower, finding Ivy’s entrance with her tongue, thrusting in and out, and Ivy matched her rhythm, grinding her hips against Nell’s face as Nell fucked her with her tongue. The edge of the table bit into Ivy’s hands, but she didn’t dare move them or she’d fall for sure, her legs trembling under the onslaught of sensation, each breath coming with a whimper.
“Oh, yes, Nell,” Ivy managed to say, “Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes!”
Nell moved again, locking her lips over Ivy’s clit, sucking it into her mouth, squeezing it between her teeth. Ivy came w
ith a yell torn raw from her throat, and Nell didn’t stop, sucking hard as wave after wave came over Ivy. Her hips bucked violently, her legs squeezing at Nell’s head, and still Nell sucked until Ivy collapsed to the floor, hips twitching and chest heaving.
Nell leaned over and kissed her, and Ivy could taste her own juices on her lips, on her tongue.
“Warm now?” Nell asked, pillowing her head on one of Ivy’s breasts.
“Oh yes,” Ivy said, watching Nell’s head move up and down with the heaving of her chest.
“Was good?”
“Oh yes,” Ivy said again. “I swear, it was never like this with my husband.”
“Of course it wasn’t.” Nell grinned. “What did he know about pleasing a woman?”
Ivy brought a shaky hand up to Nell’s breast. Nell’s head fell back and her eyes closed. “I haven’t forgotten about you, you know. But an old lady like me needs a few minutes to recover after pleasure like that.”
Nell’s eyes snapped open. “I wish you’d stop that ‘old lady’ nonsense.” Nell pinched Ivy’s nipple in emphasis and Ivy jerked. “Thirty-two is not old.” Nell lay on top of Ivy, crushing her breasts and holding her face in her hands. “Old ladies don’t have orgasms like you did, and they definitely don’t do the things that you are about to do to me.” Nell kissed her deeply, and Ivy wrapped her arms around her, then rolled to put Nell beneath her, straddling her.
Ivy kissed down Nell’s neck then ran her tongue along Nell’s collarbone, working her way down her chest. At her breasts, Ivy stopped, taking one hard bud into her mouth. Nell’s hands tightened on Ivy’s head, and Ivy slipped a hand between her legs, sliding it slowly down Nell’s body, leaving no doubt what she had in mind, enjoying the way Nell’s breath caught.